In review, in preparation & preprint
Guo, Y., Perapa, M., Ju, R.-T., & Bossdorf, O. (2023). Global heterogeneity of biogeographic patterns in herbivory between native and exotic plants. submitted. [more information]
Lu, J., Guo, Y., Richards, C., Li, L., Wu, J., Li, B., & Ju, R.-T. (2023). Rapid adaptive evolution of multidimensional traits in a widespread plant invader. submitted. [more information]
Hao, Y., Wang, X.-F., Guo, Y., Li, T.-Y., Yang, J., Ainouche, M. L., Salmon, A., Ju, R.-T., Wu, J., Li, L.-F., & Li, B. (2023). Genomic and phenotypic signatures associated with the adaptation of invasive species Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Plant Communications. in revison. [more information]
Zhao, Y., Wang, S., Liao, Z.-Y., Parepa, M., Zhang, L., Cao, P., Bi, J., Guo, Y., Bossdorf, O., Richards, C., Wu, J., Li, B., & Ju, R.-T. (2023). Geographic variation in leaf traits and palatability of a native invasive plant during domestic expansion. submitted. [more information]
Guo, Y., Ju, R.-T., Li, B., Richards, C., & Bossdorf, O. (2023). Testing the non-parallel latitudinal gradient hypothesis by using invasive Spartina alterniflora versus its native competitor Phragmites australis in Chinese coast. in preparation.
Binder, R.*, Trapp, J.*, Guo, Y., Perapa, M., & Bossdorf, O. (2023). Latitudinal patterns in inducibility of palatability and related traits in invasive European knotweed. in preparation. (*undergraduate student)
Peer reviewed
Guo, Y., Zhang, Y., Wu, J., Richards, C. L., Bossdorf, O., Li, B., & Ju, R.-T. (2023). Geographic variation of litter chemistry and palatability in an invasive plant versus its native competitor. Journal of Biogeography, 50, 1139–1150. [link] [pdf]
Liu, L.*, Guo, Y. *, Wu, Y., Yin, M., Guo, X., Eller, F., Richards, C., Brix, H., Ju, R.-T., & Guo, W. (2023). Revealing biogeographic patterns in genetic diversity of native and invasive plants and their association with soil community diversity in the Chinese coast. Oikos, In press. (*co-first author). [link] [pdf]
Jiang, J.-J., Zhao, Y.-J., Guo, Y., Gao, L., Richards, C. L., Siemann, E., Wu, J & Ju, R.-T. (2022). Restoration of native saltmarshes can reverse arthropod assemblages and trophic interactions changed by a plant invasion. Ecological Applications, e2740. [link] [pdf]
Jiang, J.-J., Zhao, Y.-J., Guo, Y., Gao, L., Richards, C. L., Siemann, E., Wu, J & Ju, R.-T. (2023). A mega‐restoration project reverses arthropod diversity and interactions changed by the saltmarsh cordgrass invasion. The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, e2028. [link] [pdf]
Yu, W., Guo, Y., Jiang, J., Sun, K., & Ju, R.-T. (2019). Comparison of the life history of a native insect Laelia coenosa with a native plant Phragmites australis and an invasive plant Spartina alterniflora. Biodiversity Science, 27: 433–438. (in Chinese). [link] [pdf]